Monday, June 14, 2010

New Super Mario Bros.

New Super Mario Bros.

The Super Mario Bros. Series has had impressive level design and creativity. Nintendo wanted to bring that back to the gaming world. Did Nintendo Succeed or was it a fad?

In this game Mario is at it again in an all new 2D adventure. That classic game was enhanced with 3D enemies, Blocks,Map, and even Mario. Also in the game new power ups were added. Such as the Mega Mushroom, and Koopa Shell. However the Mega Mushroom can make levels easy and makes it a very easy game to complete. This game has very little secrets, accept for the Luigi Secret.(press L+R+A while choosing your file) A positive in the game is the three star coins placed throughout each level. Later you use the star coins to unlock toad houses. Also in this game, Nintendo added some more Super Mario Bros. Music that show progress throughout series but still keeps the mood of the classics. The level design in this game is near perfect as you encounter a different obstacle in each world. The game is loaded with boss battles and the creativity put behind them. However the boss battle are very easy and require little to no skills. However, the levels in each land are longer and each world introduces something new. New Super Mario Bros. combines old with new to make a fantastic game.

  • 2D Graphics 9.2/10
  • Diffivculty 5.5/10
  • Creativity 9.5/10
  • Characters 9/10
  • Story 9/10
  • Music 10/10
  • Level Design 9.5/10
  • Controls 10/10
  • Extras 8/10
  • Bosses 9/10
  • Length 9/10

Total 9/10

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